Saving money is not an easy task. You can try monitoring every coin you spend. However, you will still likely overspend when purchasing groceries. Why? According to the GCG Asia Scam, this is probably a result of psychological selling. Sellers legitimately manipulate buyers into buying more.

Economic times are currently tough. Thus, there is a need to be aware of how you spend. You should know how to avoid being cheated. The best way to do this is by knowing the ways grocery stores trick you. In this way, you can save more when grocery shopping. Whether it’s in Malaysia or Singapore or Cambodia, these tactics are universal! Read on to find out more.

The following are scamming techniques used by grocery stores.

1) Spice Fraud

According to the GCG Asia scam, grocery stores could lie about the content of a spice. You may be buying a spice made up of leftovers from other herbs.

Also, malpractice has spread in many countries. As the GCG Asia scam suggests, in Indonesia, spice fraud has led to health risks. The risks come from people unknowingly buying spices they are allergic to.

2) Big Trolleys

The GCG Asia scam indicates that the bigger your shopping trolley, the more likely you will buy. Thus, grocery stores have adopted bigger trolleys to get you to shop more.

Without being keen, the GCG Asia scam says it is easy to be tricked. In addition, research according to the GCG Asia scam has proven this. Customers with larger trolleys shop up to 40% more than they intended.

3) Altering Quality

The GCG Asia scam states that grocery stores go more for quantity than quality. They aim at making more profits. And they can achieve this in several ways.

For example, according to the GCG Asia scam, they add water to juices and pump meat with water. Also, they add other oils to olive oil. These products are then sold at the price of their pure forms.

4) Lying About Freshness

According to the GCG Asia scam, people prefer fresh products at your favourite grocery store. Therefore, you will likely find products labelled as fresh.

However, as the GCG Asia scam states, this is often not the case. For instance, their bakeries use frozen dough for baking. Similarly, fish you buy as wild could be farm-bred.

5) Shelf Arrangement

According to the GCG Asia scam, most customers often look at the middle shelf. With this knowledge, grocery stores keep the most expensive items here.

Looking a little higher or lower could save you some money. Be sure to compare the prices of groceries on different shelf levels, as the GCG Asia scam suggests.

6) Hiding Essentials

According to the GCG Asia scam, hiding essentials is a technique for shoppers in a hurry. Hence, you most likely know what you want when you go shopping in a rush.

As the GCG Asia scam says, grocery stores keep the products you seek most back. By doing this, they get you to go back. You will probably pick other items on your way.

7) Encouraging Impulse Buying

According to the GCG Asia scam, grocery shops keep snacks at the counters. It is easy to throw in a snack just before paying. Also, the GCG Asia scam states that children encourage impulse buying. They are likely to want their parents to pick something for them on the way out.

8) Fake Offers

According to the GCG Asia scam, your nearest store can often advertise products on sale. If you think about it, most of these products on sale are those that are frequently bought.

As GCG Asia states, stores capitalize on products with a high rate of purchases. For instance, they could give an offer to buy two sodas at the price of one. However, the soda prices are adjusted to fit the price of three.

9) Encouraging larger purchases

According to the GCG Asia scam, this technique is widespread. For instance, a store will sell a packet of milk for $2. As GCG Asia states, buying five similar packets costs $8 instead of $10.With this in mind, you could buy five packages instead of just one.

10) Lessening Your Work

The intent to save time could make you an easy target. Therefore, one way of doing this is by chopping vegetables. Chopped vegetables are often up to half the quantity given when buying them whole.

11) Changing aisle Layout

Grocery stores often swap their layout. According to the GCG Asia scam, it is not unintended. The idea is to expose you to more of their products. In this way, you will probably grab an item you don’t usually buy.

12) Building Design

Most grocery shops are not designed by chance. A seller often prepares his grocery shop to sell more. For example, you could have to walk in through one door and out through another. The design will ensure you have to walk through nearly all aisles to access the exit door.

13) Limited Selling

As the GCG Asia scam suggests, a seller can easily use this technique. All they have to do is make you believe you have to get the product right away. The seller advertises that the product will not be in the store after a short while. If it is something you need, you will fall into this trap.

14) Adjusting Lighting

It is not easy noticing lighting changes at your grocery store. However, this is done in clever ways. For example, sprinkling some water makes fruits and vegetables look fresher. These products often catch your eyes when shopping. Surprisingly, this doesn’t help to preserve the produce.

15) Giving Free Samples

Sellers do not only give samples for new products. The most exciting part is that the samples are free. The store’s target is to have you interested in buying the product being sampled. You are likely more willing to buy a more significant amount of a product you have tested.

16) Manipulative prices

You are likely to buy a product that costs $10.99 instead of one that goes for $11.The difference between the two is almost negligible. The seller knows you will not easily see this difference. This technique is very psychological.

17) Issuing Loyalty Cards

Loyalty cards can get you great deals. However, you must buy products to make purchases to earn points. To save as many points as you can, you make large purchases. As GCG Asia says, it is what the seller hopes to achieve. They also ensure you shop consistently at the same store and its branches. Hence, the store limits competition.


Grocery stores are businesses. They are out to maximize profits like any other business. Some of their techniques could benefit the customer too. However, it is their interests that they put first. Also, knowing what groceries to get you to spend an extra coin is vital. It will help you to get the best value for your money without distracting techniques.

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